QUEEN MOTHER'S LYING-IN-STATE  On the eve of her funeral the Queen Mother's four grandsons, the Prince of Wales; the Duke of York; the Earl of Wessex and Viscount Linley kept vigil beside her coff... - stock photo
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QUEEN MOTHER'S LYING-IN-STATE On the eve of her funeral the Queen Mother's four grandsons, the Prince of Wales; the Duke of York; the Earl of Wessex and Viscount Linley kept vigil beside her coff...

QUEEN MOTHER'S LYING-IN-STATE On the eve of her funeral the Queen Mother's four grandsons, the Prince of Wales; the Duke of York; the Earl of Wessex and Viscount Linley kept vigil beside her coffin during her Lying-in-State at Westminster Hall in London Photo: HRH THE PRINCE OF WALES KEEPING VIGIL COMPULSORY CREDIT: UPPA/Photoshot Photo UC 019112_B 08.04.2002


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