Presentation of Certificates to Kent/178 Birchington VAD - stock photo
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Presentation of Certificates to Kent/178 Birchington VAD

Lord Harris (4th Baron Harris, 1851-1932) speaking at Quex Park on the occasion of the presentation of certificates to members of the Birchington VAD Kent/178 on 11 June 1920. As Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of Kent, he he was a prominent figure in the County during the War, particularly as the Lord-Lieutenant, Lord Camden, was away on war service. Behind Lord Harris sits Hannah Powell-Cotton and beyond her is her husband, Major PHG Powell-Cotton. ) Major Powell-Cotton's journal for the day records '…saw about tent going up, arranged route for nurses etc., put up Aunt Sally, arranged sites for tables etc.,... saw Girl Guides got their job all right. Folk arrived, about 142, did Museum, started teas soon after 4, over 100 sat down at once, Girl Guides waited well, a good tea, coffee, lemonade & ices. Lord Harris arrived by Granville (train), he had tea in Library, I got Guides, nurses etc. together, he presented certs. & spoke nicely of Thanet & Nurses in particular, then round garden & Museum & cold suppoer, all went well, weather nice & no hitches.' The Quex Park VAD Hospital opened on 15 October 1914 and closed on 31 January 1919. The hospital was run by Kent/178, the Birchington Detachment. The Commandant was Hannah Powell-Cotton (1881-1964), wife of Major Percy HG Powell-Cotton (1866-1940) of Quex Park, founder of the Powell-Cotton Museum.

Mary Evans

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7 x 4 inches / 18 x 11 cm

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