Playing the Rabana drum - Sinhalese - Colombo, Sri Lanka - stock photo
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Playing the Rabana drum - Sinhalese - Colombo, Sri Lanka

Playing the Rabana drum - Sinhalese people - Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Maha (big) Rabana or Banku (bench) Rabana, played by two or more people at a time is used at wedding festivals and Sinhala New Year Celebrations in Sri Lanka. It also symbolizes the spring festivals of the country. Generally women are the best players of the Banku Rabana and a special system of Raban Pada is in practice among them. One reads out the beat loudly and plays it in collaboration with others. Some of the onlookers would enjoy the music with dance in order to tune it for better sounds. The Rabana (as can be seen on this card) is kept on three wooden trunks about 18 inches high and the leader kindles fire under the instrument so that it can be tuned for finer sounds.

Mary Evans

5764 x 3729 pixels

Print Size @ 300 dpi
19 x 12 inches / 49 x 32 cm

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